It was nice to wake up this morning after a comfortable night sleep. Went out to my family room, brewed a cup of coffee, and then watched the Today Show. Then I took the dogs for walk as I waved to the neighbors.
While walking on this great Florida Day, with the freedom to do whatever I want, THERE IS ONLY ONE THING I HAVE TO DO. I HAVE TO SAY THANK YOU TO ALL THE VETERANS WHO HAVE MADE THIS DAY AND EVERYDAY LIKE THIS POSSIBLE. Thank you for your sacrifice, thank you for your service, and thank you for giving me the freedom I enjoy each and every day.
Finally, I would like to renew my annual request to all our politicians to appropriate proper funding to our Veterans. I find it remarkable and insulting that both political parties use our Veterans as props to "get votes". Let’s not insult them any longer by just giving them lip service. No Veteran should ever have to come home after defending our Country and need to beg for food and money. Regardless of political affiliation, we can all agree, that it is time to honor true sacrifice. Thank you to all the brave men and women who have served America.