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Stop Don't Fire the Coach!

Every year around this time NFL Football teams start dumping coaches in order to pacify their fan bases and give them all hope for next year. However, if you look around at the best teams in the league, they all have one thing in common. Consistency at the head coaching position. The Patriots, Seahawks, Steelers, Packers, and even the Cowboys all have stuck with their coach long term. This is also true in other sports. When there is stability at the top, the multi-million dollar athletes must fall in line with the team or they go, not the coach. This creates accountability throughout the organization.

Why are the New England Patriots and San Antonio Spurs model franchises. It should be crystal clear that regardless of the issues surrounding the teams, the Coach stays the players go. If you think about it, how else can you motivate the most talented athletes in the World who just hit the lottery.

Now before you start saying well my team is different. After all if we had the genius of Bill Belichek or Pete Carroll we would be in a different situation. Our coach is a bum. Well both Belicheck and Carroll were fired after short tenures with their previous NFL teams. So perhaps the key to starting over is not dumping the coach but instead dumping the players and showing the next group that there are consequences for poor performance.

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Marc Jablon

Business Consultant, Entrepreneur, and Writer

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Marc Jablon has more than 20 years of business consulting experience which consists of assisting small to mid size businesses in the area of marketing, public relations, and management consulting.  He believes in a customized management and marketing approach to assist his clients in achieving their desired results.
As an entrepreneur, Marc Jablon has been involved in the start up of several businesses across many different industries, including 3D, Wallcovering, Comics and Collectibles, and Travel, among many others.  Marc Jablon is very active in the West Orange Chamber of Commerce. He loves the challenge of helping others with their businesses and the pursuit of the American Dream.




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