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I'm Thankful

This morning, I came to the realization that both my children will be voting in the next Presidential election. My initial reaction was "I'm getting old", however, after some thought I realized just how thankful I am for my family. As a father, I always viewed success as the ability to raise your children to become responsible young adults.

I have to admit when you first have kids, you really don't know what you're doing. Everything is trial and error. You hope and pray that you and your wife can work as a team and get these kids to the finish line. We all know that's it's not easy and every year, as they age, brings new challenges and experiences.

Saying that 2020 has been challenging is an understatement. COVID, on-line classes, distance from family and friends, not to mention uncertainty with business. It's enough to drive anyone crazy. With each challenge, we sat down as a family and worked it out. I'm just so thankful that my kids have continued to grow and mature. We have stuck together as a family, and for that I'm grateful. I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. This Holiday Season may be different from others, however, I appreciate my family and friends and wish all of you the best.

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Marc Jablon

Business Consultant, Entrepreneur, and Writer

Marc Jablon has more than 20 years of business consulting experience which consists of assisting small to mid size businesses in the area of marketing, public relations, and management consulting.  He believes in a customized management and marketing approach to assist his clients in achieving their desired results.
As an entrepreneur, Marc Jablon has been involved in the start up of several businesses across many different industries, including 3D, Wallcovering, Comics and Collectibles, and Travel, among many others.  Marc Jablon is very active in the West Orange Chamber of Commerce. He loves the challenge of helping others with their businesses and the pursuit of the American Dream.




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